#176 Odd & Eclectic Vehicles with Jason Torchinsky

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We are all familiar with the major brands of vehicles being displayed on everything from bus billboards to the wildly expensive listings during the Super Bowl. The in your face branding of some of the most popular vehicle brands is at times annoying, yet let’s face it, highly effective.  

Not So Popular 

What about the more obscure vehicles that you may not have heard of. Those oddball vehicles over time that did not quite make the list of “must be seen in” latest cruiser? In fact, some of the most weird and mechanically odd vehicles that were as serious to a vehicle designer and engineer, but not so much with the motoring public. Imagine searching the globe for these unusual vehicular oddities and sharing with the world these unique wheels of weirdness. Senior editor for Jalopnik, https://bit.ly/JalopnikJasonTorchinsky author of Robot, Take the Wheel: The Road to Autonomous Cars and the Lost Art of Driving https://bit.ly/JasonTorchinskyBook and producer of Jay Leno’s garage, Jason Torchinsky lives out his fantasy by way of the odd and freaky on four wheels.

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