We are excited to have with us this week on the show, Bill Goosic, to share his passion with drag racing. Bill was raised in a family that birthed Arizona Drag Racing in the early ‘60’s and who is active in keeping the spirit alive and kicking today!
We go back in time to the incredible history of pre NHRA sanctioned race tracks and the ingenuity
of the racing community. As the founder and chairman of the Arizona Drag Racing Reunion , Bill reveals his passion for racing and community.
With drag racing runs at active ,and in some occasions abandoned air strips of old , we also revisit the safety concerns of the day and the harrowing attempts of competitive performance behind the wheel at the Beeline Dragway, The Perryville Drag Strip & Deer Valley Airport to name just a few.
Join us for a special edition of the Wrench Nation Car Talk show, and please share this episode with a friend that may enjoy the unique history of the humble beginnings of drag racing !